June 14, 2011

Kant Philosophy

Kant Philosophy about Ethics

In the Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Kant philosophy can known that  Greek philosophy can be divided into 3 parts, namely logic, physics, and ethics. The logic is a priori but physics and ethics have unsur2 a priori and empirical. Priori-empirical science of physics is called the natural sciences (Naturlehre) while the a priori-empirical science of ethics called the science of morality (Sittenlehre) Metaphysics decency (Metaphysik der Sitten): ethics of a priori practical Anthropology (praktische Anhropologie): ethics is empirical or a posteriori Morality and Legality Legality of Morality, Morality heterenom and Morality autonomous ie. autonomy will (Autonomie des Willens) human action is based on two principles:

Maxime: principles that apply subjective principle or rule of objective imperative hypothetical imperatives: a conditional order, apply in general. Categorical imperative: an absolute command, generally accepted, always and everywhere (universal) Budi practically always "able" obligation always to be Du kannst, denn du sollst! The will and the law is one -> pure practical reason (Reine praktische Vernunft) a transcendent principle of morality from Kant philosophy.

Then, Kant philosophy said that Moral Obligation as a Basis Measures The only thing good without qualification or exception is "good will" (guter Wille) The requirement was always a will. Differentiation antarao action "in accordance with the obligations" (pflichtmà ¤ ssig) that the action taken not because of the tendency directly, but solely for the purposes of the interest itself o action taken "for the sake of duty" (aus Pflicht) pathological love (pathologische Liebe ): love reactionary, emotional, spontaneous, natural love of practical (Prakriche Liebe): love because of the obligation, contained in the will of action based on this duty has its moral value from a formal principle or maxim formal, not material from the maxim is a subjective principle that ordered the person to perform certain eprbuatan this or that in order to achieve certain goals as well. Please read the others content like Hegel Philosophy  in this blog.

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