July 04, 2011

Buddhist Philosophy

Overview of Buddhist Philosophy
Siddharta Gautama (563-483 BC) was the founder of Buddhism originating from the Sakya tribe caste Kshatriya descent. He was a crown prince. His father was a king named Soddhodana of Kapitulawastu, North India. When Siddhartha was born a Brahmin predicted that someday he would become a hermit, not a king. Therefore, his father became upset and to prevent the proposal he ordered to make 3 pieces of a beautiful palace for Siddhartha to later not crossed his mind to meditate. At age 16 she was married to Yakhodhara and then get the child named Rahula.
That said, one when Siddhartha walked out with a servant. On the way he saw the elderly, people with leprosy, and the corpse was carried into the kiln. All it asked of his servant and answered honestly by it. Finally they met a beggar and told Siddhartha, that nothing is eternal in this world, the real pleasure not consist of property, child and wife but rather achieved through a deserted monastery in the jungle. Heard the testimony of these beggars, Siddhartha finally decided to seek pleasure and lasting peace. On a quiet night Siddhartha left his wife and children by his slave to started wandering. Having reached the edge of the jungle, all the jewels given to his servant, and he went alone into the forest. After a while, he finally found a suitable place, under a tree Badh style that became known as the Bodhi tree, he meditated with intense. As a result the peak of his meditation, he got a brightness think (inspiration), the time he was 35 years old. Then he felt called to spread his ism to mankind. He held his first sermon in the Deer Park, Benares.
Starting from Benares, Siddharta who also called the Buddha (the enlightened) is spreading his teachings out of the village accompanied by faithful disciples. After him, then Buddhism disseminated by his followers scattered into Sailon, Burma, Indo-China and even in Indonesia.
The essence of Buddhism is to remove human beings from Samsara, as a result of the passions. Therefore, suffering can be overcome only if the passions can be eliminated. The way to eliminate the desire is to do eight middle way, namely: a. have a correct view; b. have the right intention; c. speak the truth; d. do right; e. have the right livelihood; f. try right; g. have the right mindfulness; h. decide to  the proper attention. Please you read my other content in this blog like philosophy of Gandhi.

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